142 LDL - How long will it take before I notice a drop in numbers after following advice? - how long will i see results on whey protein
I must confess that I do not eat lots of fruits and vegetables, etc., as "long" if I get the top 10, to reduce this number?
If for some changes in lifestyle and therapeutic follow the correct diet strategy, you benefit from reducing LDL. Anyway, I think you should not worry about "if" to see the results, but should be on the "start of work" to reduce their LDL-cholesterol.
The changes are slow, but if they "ensure stability" in that they stay healthy and avoid trouble (including cardiovascular events).
Good luck and never give up!
142 mg / dL threshold means that the high levels of LDL.
Your level of LDL is what doctors to look closely. You want it to be low. If it is too high, you should treat. The treatment consists of a healthy diet can lower cholesterol, lose weight (if), obesity and exercise. You may have to reduce your cholesterol medicines.
* If you are having a heart disease or diabetes, LDL cholesterol should be below 100 mg / dl.
* If you are at increased risk for heart disease (even if you do not already) about heart problems, should your LDL cholesterol below 130 mg / dL.
* Most of the other health benefits from May to LDL cholesterol, which is less than 160 and 190 mg / dl.
Limit the amount of cholesterol, a diet that is low in fat, cottage cheese, skim milk, fish, vegetables, poultry and egg whites. Just use unsaturated oils such as olive, peanut and canola oil or polyunsaturated oils such as corn, safflower, soybean, sunflower, cotton and soybeans. Avoid foods with excess fat in them such as meat (especially liver and fatty meat), egg yolk, theThe food was milk, cream, butter, lard, biscuits, cakes, biscuits, sauces, peanut butter, chocolate, olives, potato chips, coconut, cheese (except cheese), coconut oil, palm oil and fried foods.
Most likely, never! Mine has, despite all their best pills and potions, and I moved to change my lifestyle. However, I have really brightened up my account! It is a little more each doc writes Rx to try to control my cholesterol. And it is developed in the last 15 years!
I eat lots of fruits and vegetables.
Chef Salad Try to do it! You are doing beautifully and simply.
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