If I have custom orthotics for running and have pronation, what is a good training shoe? - brooks custom running
I run the marathon and half, and I used the monster Brooks and New Balance 767, but they are now is completely dead. Suggestions? I also suffered from stress fractures and plantar fascitiis last year.
Go to a specialist running store, and that is "good" a pair of shoes (the clock is running in different styles, brands, etc..)
Remember to place your models in each of the shoes before you try to use as this clearly, as you do. (my average models instead of buying shoes with motion control, I am in a light stability shoe)
Try a store to find the experts in management. You have to run against them, then you try on shoes designed for your running style.
As a rule, is a free service.
If you do, you can correct some of the possible injuries on the road.
Asics Gel is probably the best for you, but make sure it would go into a store and they carry a rating. You have not yet buy it, but it would be good, it's always best to get considered.
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